Showing 7–9 of 13 results

Fish Amino

Fish amino acid fertilizer contains amounts of organic matter, peptides, biological polysaccharides, they are mostly used in crops with high economic value.


Enriched Vermicompost

Orgaayur Enriched Vermicompost Unlock the secret to nature's best fertilizer with Vermicompost! Our organic, nutrient-rich vermicompost is meticulously crafted by a dedicated community of earthworms, transforming kitchen scraps and garden waste into a powerful elixir for your soil. Boost plant growth, enrich your garden, and promote sustainability with our eco-friendly vermicompost. Join us on a journey to greener, healthier gardens today! RATE : 5 KG


Cow Dung Manure

ORGAAYUR COW DUNG MANURE Welcome to the world of organic gardening! Introducing our premium Cow Dung Manure – the secret ingredient for vibrant, flourishing plants. Our meticulously crafted product is nature's gift, brimming with countless benefits that will take your gardening experience to new heights. Indulge your plants in the richness of our Cow Dung Manure, carefully sourced from healthy cows raised on organic farms. Packed with essential nutrients, it acts as a nourishing elixir, invigorating your soil and unlocking its true potential. RATE : 5 KG
