1.0OrgaAyur Shophttps://orgaayur.comNFT 5 PLANTER - STARTERS KIT - OrgaAyur Shoprich600338<blockquote class="wp-embedded-content" data-secret="e6LB7aIVDA"><a href="https://orgaayur.com/product/nft-5-planter-starters-kit/">NFT 5 PLANTER – STARTERS KIT</a></blockquote><iframe sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" src="https://orgaayur.com/product/nft-5-planter-starters-kit/embed/#?secret=e6LB7aIVDA" width="600" height="338" title="“NFT 5 PLANTER – STARTERS KIT” — OrgaAyur Shop" data-secret="e6LB7aIVDA" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" class="wp-embedded-content"></iframe><script> /*! This file is auto-generated */ !function(d,l){"use strict";l.querySelector&&d.addEventListener&&"undefined"!=typeof URL&&(d.wp=d.wp||{},d.wp.receiveEmbedMessage||(d.wp.receiveEmbedMessage=function(e){var t=e.data;if((t||t.secret||t.message||t.value)&&!/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/.test(t.secret)){for(var s,r,n,a=l.querySelectorAll('iframe[data-secret="'+t.secret+'"]'),o=l.querySelectorAll('blockquote[data-secret="'+t.secret+'"]'),c=new RegExp("^https?:$","i"),i=0;i<o.length;i++)o[i].style.display="none";for(i=0;i<a.length;i++)s=a[i],e.source===s.contentWindow&&(s.removeAttribute("style"),"height"===t.message?(1e3<(r=parseInt(t.value,10))?r=1e3:~~r<200&&(r=200),s.height=r):"link"===t.message&&(r=new URL(s.getAttribute("src")),n=new URL(t.value),c.test(n.protocol))&&n.host===r.host&&l.activeElement===s&&(d.top.location.href=t.value))}},d.addEventListener("message",d.wp.receiveEmbedMessage,!1),l.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){for(var e,t,s=l.querySelectorAll("iframe.wp-embedded-content"),r=0;r<s.length;r++)(t=(e=s[r]).getAttribute("data-secret"))||(t=Math.random().toString(36).substring(2,12),e.src+="#?secret="+t,e.setAttribute("data-secret",t)),e.contentWindow.postMessage({message:"ready",secret:t},"*")},!1)))}(window,document); </script> http://orgaayur.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/IMG_20240224_165234-1.jpg479388It is an ideal system for learners to start growing at home. This system is designed to teach busy youngsters and children the most basic fundamentals of growing plants and how they are made out of nothing but Air, Sunlight, and a bit of water. Even children above 4 years can learn how to grow their own CLEAN AND FRESH food at home. You can also use it as a decorative piece Highlights Place it anywhere: The system is extremely easy to set up and made to look aesthetic and ideal to grow indoors. You can place it anywhere in the house – on the window sill, on your table, on the balcony, or even in the office. All in one: The Pindpipe is an all-inclusive kit that comes with net pots, clay balls, an air pump, nutrients, and even seeds. The instructions booklet is also provided to get you started. Compatible plants: Grow any green leafy VEGETABLES (like Lettuce, Spinach, Basil, Mint, etc) HERBS (like Oregano, Thyme, etc), and SALADS easily with Pindpipe. Minimum maintenance: It requires only 10 minutes of your time every week. No use of soil also helps to eliminate soil-borne plant diseases or pests. Includes • NFT Planter No: of planter – 5 Dimension – 26” x 3” x 3” • PVC Stands – 2 pcs • Net pots = 5 pcs • 5 part nutrient – 100 ml • Clay ball – 100 gm • Seed pack – 1 (50 seeds) • An instruction leaflet to get you started • Air pump silicone tubing and air stone